Friday, March 25, 2011

Mongolia is not and wasn't a part of China

Нэг зөрүүд Тайвантай Монгол Хятадын нэг хэсэг мөн, биш, байсан, байгаагүй гэдэг дээр маргалдаад, өөрийгөө болон тусгаар тогтнолоо нотлохын тулд бага сага газар зүйн хичээл заах хэрэгтэй болов, ккк. Хэрвээ дэмжиж байвал сэтгэгдэл хэсэгт англиар бичлэг үлдээнэ үү Монголчуудаа!

I believe that Mongolia wasn't and never won't be a part of China. Please see just some facts on geographical developments of Chinese empires and states.

First empires of China - Xia, Shang & Zhou (2100-256 B.C.)

The Warring States period (475-221 B.C.)

 Qin Empire - China's first unified empire (221-206 B.C.)

Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-220)

The Three Kingdoms Period (220-280)

Jin Dynasty (265-420)

Southern (Liu) & Northern (Wei) Dynasties, 420-589

Sui Dynasty (581-618)

Tang Dynasty (618-907)

Song (960-1279), Liao (907-1125) & Xia (1038-1227)

World map before the Mongols domination period (until the year of 1206)

Mongols (Mongolian Empire) occupied and controlled Mainland China (Geographical term) for over a century until 1368.

Ming dynasty (Yellow coloured state on the below part of the map). Big state on the above part of the map is Mongolian Empire from 1368 till XVII-th century.

Expansion of Qing Empire (The Manchu people are a Tungusic people who originated in Manchuria)

Map of the Qing empire (A.D. 1820). Mongolia was a protectorate of Qing empire. However Mongolia was never occupied by Manchus, but joined by themselves, except Western Mongolia (Oirads).

We claimed our independence in 29-th December of 1911, just after collapse of Qing dynasty and before the independence of China (1-st January of 1912). But RoC tried to colonize Mongolia, and occupied it from 1919 to 1921. Also RoC didn't recognize political freedom of Mongolians in the territory of Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang Uighur.

Claims of Republic of China. But in reality, they control only the island of Taiwan and other small islands surrounding the Taiwan.

Map made by Republic of China

Comparison of claims between RoC & PRC

Imperialist claim of territory loss by some Chinese nationalists (1820 / 1990)

Mongolia's independence was recognized by Republic of China in 1946, and by People's Republic of China in 1949. We joined UN as a member in 1961.

RoC recognized sovereignty of Mongolia in 1946, but shortly thereafter in 1953, due to the deterioration of diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, RoC revoked this recognition and kept considering it a part of mainland China. In 2002, however, the government under Chen Shui-bian declared that it recognized Mongolia's independence, even though no legislative actions were taken to address concerns over its constitutional claims to Mongolia.

In fact, Taiwan is not recognized by any countries, except 23 countries such as Burkina Faso, Swaziland, Haiti and Nauru. RoC was expelled by General Assembly Resolution 2758 and replaced in all UN organs with the PRC.


Ochko said...

Most of Chinese people I met were brainwashed so that they still believe that Mongol is part of China.

This is good illustrative explanation for them. Thanks!

Gundegee said...

Thank you.

I am still expecting more and more supports and discussions!

Unknown said...

My message to the ordinary Chinese people would be the following:

Please understand that part of the history you have been taught and believe may not be correct afterall. There are many different points of views in this world and yours is just a part of it, as is ours, the Mongols. We believe, with good reasons, we are a different nation than Chinese with history no shorter than yours.

Just a food for thought.

Anonymous said...

You are entitled to your own opinion(s). You are not entitled to your own facts!

Is Mongolia part of China?

[First of all, you must define "Mongolia" and "China" before even attempting to answer the question. Unfortunately, you did not even attempt to define those terms.]

But IS Mongolia part of China?
You say no. Personally, I do not disagree. Mongolia is a de facto independent nation-state. It is also a de jure independent entity, with UN membership, recognition by most other nation-states, including recognition by the People's Republic of China (the current regime ruling China). So, AS A MATTER OF FACT, Mongolia is not part of China, presently.

Was Mongolia ever part of China? Yes it was! At least once, arguably twice, as YOUR OWN MAPS SHOW.

The first time that Mongolia was part of China is shown in your twelfth (12th) map. It was under the Yuan Dynasty. The Mongols conquered China (and much of the rest of the world!), yes. But after Genghis Khan died, his empire was split in four. The easternmost successor khanate, comprising China and Mongolia, passed to his grandson Kublai Khan, who founded the Yuan Dynasty. However, Kublai Khan, inspite of his Mongolian ancestry, was quite the Sinophile. He "became Chinese" in a sense. There were a few instances in Chinese history when foreigners became rulers of China, the other major instance was when the Manchus furnished a Chinese imperial dynasty, the Qing.

You might say, "but China was part of Mongolia." WRONG! Did Kublai Khan govern China from Mongolia? Was his capital in Karakorum, Uliassutai, or Urga? No, he moved the capital to Beijing. Kublai Khan governed his fatherland from China, the country his ancestors conquered. He promoted Chinese language and culture. The Mongols were Sinicized (as the Manchus would be).

After the Yuan Dynasty fell, Mongolia became independent once again. The Chinese (under the Ming Dynasty) relinquished claims to Mongolia (and lost much of Tibet, which the Mongols conquered first). The Mongolians became "de-Sinicized" but they kept Tibetan Buddhism, which Kublai Khan patronized and brought to Mongolia.

Under the Qing Dynasty, Monoglia again became part of the Chinese empire. True, Mongolia wasn't organized into provinces like "China proper was" but this isn't really relevant. You might argue that Mongolia was not under Chinese (or Manchu/Qing) sovereignty but that it was under Qing suzerainty. Except now you must first define "sovereignty" and "suzerainty."

Was Mongolia always part of China? No, because Chinese civilization is native to the alluvial plains of the Huang-he and Changjiang, and to the Yellow Sea and East China Sea shores. Chinese civilization is not native to "Outer Mongolia."

Is Mongolia currently part of China? No, according to a virtually unanimous global consensus.

Was Mongolia ever part of China?

Yes, under the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) and again from the 17th century (under the Qing Dynasty) to at least 1921 (when the first modern Mongolian state was founded), but arguably until after WWII.

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